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Tanaman cabai merupakan tanaman hortikultura, yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam ketahanan pangan keluarga, ekonomi serta memberikan kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat. Komoditas cabai mempunyai nilai ekonomis tinggi selalu diminati seluruh lapisan masyarakat dan mempunyai kontribusi pada perekonomian, akan tetapi hargai cabai sering mengalami fluktuasi, yang disebabkan oleh ketidakstabilan produksi. Dalam rangka menstabilkan produksi salah satunya adalah dengan teknik budidaya yang sesuai dengan Good agriculture Practice (GAP), merupakan teknis penerapan sistem sertifikasi proses produksi pertanian yang menggunakan teknologi maju ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan, sehingga produk panen aman dikonsumsi, kesejahteraan pekerja diperhatikan dan usahatani yang memberikan keuntungan ekonomi bagi petani. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi penerapan Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), mengetahui pergeseran tenaga kerja perempuan tani dan pendapatan petani cabai rawit. Alat analisis yang digunakan analisis deskriptif, rumus kontribusi dan analisis pendapatan. Hasil penelitian ini petani cabai rawit di Kecamatan Arut selatan belum melaksanakan semua indikator Good Agriculture Practice, adanya pergeseran penggunaan tenaga kerja wanita pada usahatani cabai rawit dan kontribusi tenaga kerja wanita tani sebesar 53,48 %. Pendapatan petani cabai rawit di Kecamatan Arut Selatan sebesar Rp. 499.532.955.
Kata Kunci : Cabai Rawit; Good Agriculture Practice; Usahatani
Chili plants are horticultural crops, which have an important role in family food security, the economy and providing welfare for society. The chili commodity which has high economic value is always in demand by all levels of society and contributes to the economy, however the price of chilies often fluctuates, which is caused by production instability. In order to stabilize production, one way is by cultivating techniques that comply with Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), which is the technical implementation of an agricultural production process certification system that uses advanced environmentally friendly and sustainable technology, so that harvest products are safe to consume, worker welfare is cared for and farming provides economic benefits for farmers. The aim of this research is to identify the implementation of Good Agriculture Practice (GAP), determine the shift in female farming labor and the income of cayenne pepper farmers. The analytical tools used are descriptive analysis, contribution formula and income analysis. The results of this research are that cayenne pepper farmers in South Arut District have not implemented all Good Agriculture Practice indicators, there is a shift in the use of female labor in cayenne pepper farming and the contribution of female agricultural labor is 53.48%. The income of cayenne pepper farmers in South Arut District is IDR. 499,532,955
Keywords : Cayenne pepper; Good Agriculture Practice; Farming
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