Peningkatan Daya Hasil dan Stay-Green Tanaman Jagung Melalui Seleksi Tandem dan Independent Culling Level di Lahan Kering (THE IMPROVEMENT OF YIELD AND STAY-GREEN OF CORN TROUGHT TANDEM AND INDEPENDENT CULLING LEVEL SELECTIONS IN DRAY LAND)

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i Wayan Sudika Muliarta a Sudharmawan Sudharmawan dwi Ratna Idris Idris


Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kemajuan seleksi tandem dan independent culling level selama tiga siklus di lahan kering dan mengetahui rerata daya hasil dan stay-green (brangkasan segar) populasi hasil seleksi dibanding dengan populasi awal dan varietas unggul Lamuru. Percobaan dirancang dengan rancangan acak kelompok, 3 blok di lahan kering Lombok Utara. Data dianalisa dengan analisis sidik ragam pada taraf nyata 5 persen. Rata-rata kemajuan seleksi per siklus setiap cara, diperoleh dari koefisien regresi antara karakter dengan siklus seleksi (populasi). Rerata perlakuan, diuji lanjut dengan BNT0,05.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa kemajuan seleksi per siklus kedua cara hingga siklus ketiga untuk daya hasil dan brangkasan segar bersifat linear yang nyata. Besarnya kemajuan seleksi per siklus daya hasil secara tandem dan independent culling level berturut-turut 2,19 dan 2,74 g/tan; sedangkan untuk brangkasan segar sebesar 6,86 dan 13,77 g/tan. Rerata daya hasil dan bobot brangkasan segar, populasi hasil seleksi siklus ketiga kedua cara lebih besar dibanding  populasi awal. Daya hasil populasi hasil seleksi independent culling level siklus ketiga lebih besar dibanding varietas Lamuru; namun populasi hasil seleksi tandem sama.


            The objective of this research was to determine the progress of tandem and independent culling level selections until the three cycles on dry land and determine the mean grain yield and stay - green of selected plant populations compared with the base population and Lamuru superior variety. The experiment was designed using randomized block design with 3 replicates in North Lombok dry land.  The observed data were analyzed using analysis of variance and LSD at the 5 percent significance level. The average of selection progress per cycle each way was obtained from the regression coefficient between the observed characters and the selection cycle (population).

The results of the research showed that the progress of selection per cycle until the third cycle for yield (dry grain seed weight) and fresh biomass for both ways were significant linear. The selection progress of yield potential for tandem selection and independent culling level  were 2,19 dan 2,74 g/tan respectivelly. The selection progress of biomass weight were 6,86 dan 13,77 g/tan for tandem selection and independent culling level. Mean of yield potential and fresh biomass weight for two ways were higher base population. Yield  population  of independent culling level selection three cycles were higher than Lamuru variety; but population result of tandem selection as the same.

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How to Cite
SUDIKA, i Wayan et al. Peningkatan Daya Hasil dan Stay-Green Tanaman Jagung Melalui Seleksi Tandem dan Independent Culling Level di Lahan Kering. AGROTEKSOS, [S.l.], v. 29, n. 1, p. 9-15, mar. 2020. ISSN 2685-4368. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi: