Refleksi kemempanan sistem bedeng permenen dalam mitigasi kelangkaan air di tanah vertisol tadah hujan Lombok Selatan Reflection of the effectiveness of permanent raised beds technology in mitigation of water scarcity at the rainfed vertisols of South Lombok

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IGM. Kusnarta Mahrup . Sukartono . M. Ma’shum



   Sistem bedeng permanen (permanent raised beds) telah terbukti sebagai sebuah sistem penyiapan lahan pertanian untuk berbagai komoditas yang sensitif terhadap suasana kelebihan air (water logging). Penelitian lapangan di tanah Vertisol tadah hujan, bertipe iklim D4, yang didisain menurut rancangan Acak Kelompok berblok, mengungkap sebuah luaran (output) yang merefleksikan suatu kemempanan sistem tersebut dalam mitigasi kondisi kelangkaan air pada lahan tadah hujan dengan jenis tanah Vertisol. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi parameter kemampuan sistem bedeng permanen, seperti gejala kapiler, efisiensi pemakaian air (EPA) tanaman, dan hasil tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gejala kapiler pada sistem bedeng secara nominal mampu menurunkan potensial lengas tanah pada zone perakaran tanaman cabai merah, terjadi peningkatan EPA dan peningkatan hasil aktual cabai merah. Aplikasi mulsa jerami pada sistem bedeng permanen (P1) secara konsisten unggul dibandingkan perlakuan-perlakuan pupuk kandang (P2), jerami dan pasir (P3), maupun pupuk kandang dan pasir (P4). Indikasi kemempanan sistem bedeng yang diberikan jerami tercermin pada potensial lengas -0,384kPa, laju kenaikan kapiler 1,26 mm/menit, EPA 1,62 kg/m3 air, dan potensial hasil 5,66 ton/ha.


      Permanent raised beds technology has been proven to be an agricultural land preparation system for various commodities that are sensitive to the water logging condition. Field research on rainfed vertisol with the climate type of D4, which is designed according to the Randomized  block, revealing an outcome that reflects the mitigation of  water scarcity conditions in rainfed vertisol. The purpose of this research is to identify some parameters that indicate the capabilities of permanent raised beds in mitigation of water scarcity, such as capillary rise, crop water use efficiency (WUE), as well as crop yield. The results showed that the capillary raise in the permanent raised beds technology could nominally lowering the soil moisture potential of the root zone of red pepper, increased WUE and increase the actual yield of red pepper. Straw mulch application on permanent raised beds (P1) is consistently superior to application of manure (P2), straw plus sand (P3), and manure plus sand (P4). The effectiveness of permanent raised beds system appear under rice straw application that resulted in soil water potential of -0,384kPa, the rate of capillary rise of 1.26 mm/min, WUE of 1.62 kg/m3, and the potential yield of 5.66 tones/ha.

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How to Cite
KUSNARTA, IGM. et al. Refleksi kemempanan sistem bedeng permenen dalam mitigasi kelangkaan air di tanah vertisol tadah hujan Lombok Selatan. AGROTEKSOS, [S.l.], v. 26, n. 1, p. 1-11, dec. 2017. ISSN 2685-4368. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 feb. 2025.